No Time Like the Present - POST ONE - Bloomin' Haircuts.

This is the first of my 365 A Year in Photos. I hope you enjoy the journey I am about to walk :D

This is not my main blog, where I chat about family life and school, nor my photoblog, where I post my I ♥ Faces entries and image manipulation plays, but simply where I will post a photo a day (or two) that says something about that day. My plan is for it to be virtually wordless - save the talking for my family blog - I want to learn to tell a story with my camera. My aim is to see major progress in photography skills as the years goes on and for that reason most of the post here will be SOOC (straight out of camera) shots, but sometimes I might post a before & after if it's one that really deserves a twiddle with ;)
My purpose; one day to be able to make a little living shooting for others, but for now my family & my life is my playground.

PS - just in case you are finding the font too small, did you know that if you hold down ctrl on your keyboard and scroll your mouse wheel you can increase the font size of just about any webpage? Try it :D